Clara Mai Fitzsimons

I am a counselling psychologist/psychotherapist who specialises in perinatal mental health. I currently work in an NHS perinatal mental health team in London where I offer therapeutic support to parents and their babies with a special interest in traumatic birth experiences. Holding a Master's degree in Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology and nearing completion of a Counselling Psychology Doctorate, my expertise is rooted in understanding and aiding individuals through perinatal challenges. My doctoral thesis exploring women's experiences of traumatic childbirth has equipped me with profound insights into how women express and process these experiences, enabling me to provide comprehensive care for individuals on their path to recovery. As a counselling psychologist versed in various therapeutic approaches, I customise my methods to suit each individual, predominantly drawing upon relational and psychodynamic approaches.

I offer online and in-person sessions in Stoke Newington, North East London. If you are interested in organising a phone call and initial consultation to find out if this is the right mode of support for you, please do get in touch.


Phone: 07397320266



Dr Caroline Silcock


Dr Anna Galloway